lunes, septiembre 27, 2010

Texto Electrónico para Estudiantes de Medicina

Este año se ha publicado un texto electrónico basado en los contenidos del curso de cuarto año de medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile.

Se presentan diversos temas, los cuales pueden ser vistos en formato PDF.

Este texto es el resultado del esfuerzo de muchos docentes de esta universidad, entre los que me incluyo y se puede acceder en forma gratuita.

Si tienen comentarios me los pueden hacer llegar por este medio.

domingo, mayo 30, 2010

Guía Práctica para el Manejo del Trauma Facial

Una guía muy útil para los que trabajamos en servicios de urgencia y debemos manejar en primer momento pacientes con trauma maxilofacial.

Trabajo publicado en Revista de Clinica Las Condes en enero 2010.

domingo, octubre 18, 2009

Lavado de Manos: Pieza clave en la atención de pacientes

El lavado de manos es un eslabón primordial en la reducción de infecciones en los pacientes. A continuación los links para 2 documentos referentes al tema. El primero corresponde a un documento por parte de la OMS muy reciente y el otro es del CDC un poco más antiguo.

lunes, junio 29, 2009

Laparostomía Contenida en el Manejo de la Sepsis Abdominal

Trabajo publicado en la Revista Chilena de Cirugía.
Se puede acceder al trabajo completo al hacer click en título de este entry.

sábado, junio 20, 2009

Guía de Manejo del Trauma Pancréatico de la EAST

Guía clínica para el diagnóstico y manejo del trauma de pancreas presentado por la Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma en 2009.

Formato pdf en inglés. Acceder realizando doble click en el título de este entry.

viernes, mayo 08, 2009

¿Oxigeno Suplementario Perioperatorio A Todo Paciente?

Perioperative Supplemental Oxygen Therapy and Surgical Site Infection
A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Arch Surg. 2009;144(4):359-366.

To conduct a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in which high inspired oxygen concentrations were compared with standard concentrations to assess the effect on the development of surgical site infections (SSIs).

Data Sources
A systematic literature search was conducted using the MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane databases and included a manual search of references of original articles, poster presentations, and abstracts from major meetings ("gray" literature).

Study Selection
Twenty-one of 2167 articles met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 5 randomized controlled trials (3001 patients) assessed the effect of perioperative supplemental oxygen use on the SSI rate. Studies used a treatment-inspired oxygen concentration of 80%. Maximum follow-up was 30 days.

Data Extraction
Data were abstracted by 3 independent reviewers using a standardized data collection form. Relative risks were reported using a fixed-effects model. Results were subjected to publication bias testing and sensitivity analyses.

Data Synthesis
Infection rates were 12.0% in the control group and 9.0% in the hyperoxic group, with relative risk reduction of 25.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 8.1%-40.1%) and absolute risk reduction of 3.0% (1.1%-5.3%). The overall risk ratio was 0.742 (95% CI, 0.599-0.919; P = .006). The benefit from increasing oxygen concentration was greater in colorectal-specific procedures, with a risk ratio of 0.556 (95% CI, 0.383-0.808; P = .002).

Perioperative supplemental oxygen therapy exerts a significant beneficial effect in the prevention of SSIs. We recommend its use along with maintenance of normothermia, meticulous glycemic control, and preservation of intravascular volume perioperatively in the prevention of SSIs.

domingo, abril 19, 2009

Insuficiencia Renal Crónica

La Sociedad Chilena de Nefrolología desarrolló esta publicación que trata sobre la identificación, manejo y complicaciones de la insuficiencia renal crónica.

Publicada en la Revista Médica de Chile. Se puede acceder al texto completo en pdf al hacer click sobre el título de este entry.

viernes, abril 10, 2009

Imagenologia en Obstrucción Intestinal: Que Busca el Cirujano

Articulo publicado en la Revista Chilena de Radiología. Muestra los estudios de imagenes solicitados en cuadros de obstrucción intestinal y menciona datos útiles para distintas etiologias.

Acceso directo al texto completo en formato pdf al hacer click en el título de este entry.

jueves, febrero 12, 2009

Comparación Prospectiva entre Y de Roux y Billroth II en Pacientes con Úlcera Duodenal

Annals of Surgery:Volume 249(2)February 2009pp 189-194

Latest Results (12-21 Years) of a Prospective Randomized Study Comparing Billroth II and Roux-en-Y Anastomosis After a Partial Gastrectomy Plus Vagotomy in Patients With Duodenal Ulcers
Csendes, Atilla MD*; Burgos, Ana Maria MD*; Smok, Gladys MD†; Burdiles, Patricio MD*; Braghetto, Italo MD*; Díaz, Juan Carlos MD*

Introduction: After a partial resection of the stomach, the continuity of the gastrointestinal tract can be restored either by a Billroth II gastrojejunal anastomosis or a Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy. Each procedure has its advantages and disadvantages.

Objective: To determine through a prospective and random clinical trial, the clinical outcome and the endoscopic and histologic alterations of the distal esophagus and the gastric remnant in patients who received a partial distal gastrectomy due to duodenal ulcers and a Billroth II or Roux-en-Y reconstruction.

Material and Methods: In this prospective random trial, a total of 75 patients with duodenal ulcers were included. A bilateral selective vagotomy and partial distal gastrectomy were performed in all patients. A Billroth II or Roux-en-Y 60-cm-long loop was randomly used for reconstruction of the gastrointestinal tract. During the latest follow-up clinical evaluation, upper endoscopy and biopsy samples from the distal esophagus and gastric remnant were obtained.

Results: There was 1 operative mortality and 6 patients had some morbidity. The average follow-up period was 15.5 years (range, 11-21). Patients with Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy were significantly more asymptomatic and had greater Visick I grading than patients with Billroth II reconstruction (P < 0.001). In the distal esophagus, endoscopic findings were normal in 90% of the Roux-en-Y group, but only in 51% of the Billroth II group (P < 0.0009). Nearly 25% of the latter group had the appearance of a short-segment Barrett esophagus compared with 3% of the Roux-en-Y group (P < 0.0001). The gastric remnant endoscopic findings were normal in 100% of the Roux-en-Y group and in 18% of the Billroth II group (P < 0.02). Histologic analyses showed similar proportions of normal fundic mucosa and chronic active fundic gastritis. However, chronic atrophic fundic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia were significantly more frequent after Billroth II reconstruction (P < 0.008). Helicobacter pylorus was present in a similar proportion of patients.

Conclusions: This prospective and random study showed that Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy is significantly better than a Billroth II reconstruction in patients with duodenal ulcers, through subjective and objective endoscopic and histologic evaluations during the latest follow-up evaluation.

jueves, febrero 05, 2009

Pancreatoduodenectomía Laparoscópica

Artículo publicado en la Revista de Chilena de Cirugía que muestra la experiencia inicial de un centro chileno en pancreatoduodenectomía totalmente laparocópica.

Se puede acceder al texto completo en pdf al hacer click en el título de este entry.

miércoles, diciembre 17, 2008

Limitación Horaria en Programas de Especialidades en EEUU: Nuevas Recomendaciones.

En EEUU existe una limitación de 80 horas semanales para el trabajo de residentes de todos los programas de formación de especialistas con el objetivo de salvaguardar la salud de los médicos en formanción y la seguridad de los pacientes. Recientemente New England Journal of Medicine ha publicado nuevas recomendaciones realizadas por el Institute of Medicine.

Acceso al documento completo al hacer click en el título de este entry.

martes, diciembre 16, 2008

Prevención de Complicaciones Pulmonares en Cirugía

Artículo de revisión publicado en Contemporary Surgery que trata sobre complicaciones perioperatorias de origen pulmonar. Es un resumen del documento de consenso de dicho tema que fue publicado por el American College of Physicians (ACP)

Acceso directo al texto completo en inglés y formato pdf al hacer click en título de este entry.

jueves, diciembre 04, 2008

Actualización en el Manejo de la Hidatidosis Hepática

Trabajo de revisión que presenta el manejo actualizado de la hidatidosis hepática publicado en el número de diciembre 2008 de la Revista Chilena de Cirugía.

Acceso directo al documento en pdf y español al hacer click en el título de este entry

domingo, noviembre 23, 2008

Tumores Quísticos del Páncreas

Artículo de revisión publicado en la Revista Médica de Chile septiembre 2008.
Se puede acceder al texto completo en formato pdf y en español al hacer click en el título de este entry.

domingo, noviembre 02, 2008

Manejo de Úlcera Duodenal Complicada

Pequeña revisión publicada en Contemporary Surgery de noviembre de 2008 que toca controversias respecto al manejo de la úlcera duodenal complicada. Si bien da los lineamientos principales me parece que le falto un poco de profundidad en su desarrollo. Pero como al menos señala los puntos principales lo posteo para que se formen su opinión y les sirva para profundizar más.

martes, octubre 07, 2008

Síndrome de Hipertensión Abdominal

Artículo de revisión publicado en Contemporary Surgery. Toca todos los aspectos referentes a este cuadro. Además, presenta una nueva tabla de clasificación y se describe el cuadro de Hipertensión torácica.

Para acceder al texto completo en pdf hacer click en el título de este entry.

domingo, septiembre 28, 2008

Guía de Manejo de Loxocelismo (Mordedura de Araña del Rincón)

En los meses de primavera, verano y otoño se concentra la mayor cantidad de mordeduras por Loxosceles laeta (araña del rincón). Aquí encontraran la guía de manejo de estos casos confeccionadas por miembros de CITUC, HUAP y Minsal.

Para acceder al documento en pdf hacer click en el título de este entry.

jueves, septiembre 18, 2008

Enfermedad Diverticular Complicada de Colon

Una muy buena revisión del tema publicado en New England Journal of Medicine 2007. Tiene gráficas excelentes y muestra la clasificación de Hinchey.

Acceso directo al texto completo en formato pdf al hacer click en el título de este entry.

viernes, septiembre 05, 2008

Documento de Conseso Chileno sobre Trasplante Hepático

Trasplante hepático en Chile: Aspectos generales, indicaciones y contraindicaciones (Documento de consenso).
HEPP, Juan, ZAPATA, Rodrigo, BUCKEL, Erwin et al.
Rev. méd. Chile, jun. 2008, vol.136, no.6, p.793-804.

Acceso directo al documento completo en español, pdf al hacer click en el título.

Liver transplantation is an excellent therapeutic option for terminal liver disease. During the last decades the results of liver transplantation have improved significantly with a patient survival rate of nearly 90% at one year and 80% at 5 years of follow-up. The main indications for liver transplantation include: end-stage liver disease associated to cirrhosis, acute liver failure, and hepatic tumors (mainly hepatocarcinoma). The absolute contraindications for a transplant are less frequent than in the past, and include: severe co-morbidity (cardiac or pulmonary), sepsis, advanced HIV disease and extra-hepatic malignancy. This document presents a Consensus of the main groups performing liver transplantation in Chile, about its indications and contraindications. It also reviews general aspects of liver transplantation, including the selection and referral of liver transplant candidates, allocation of organs and the evaluation of severity of liver disease

jueves, agosto 28, 2008

Manual de Laparoscopía

La Sociedad de Cirugía Laparoscopica (Society of Laparoscopic Surgeons - SLS) han dispueston de forma gratuita la primera edición del libro "Prevention & Management of Laparoendoscopic Surgical Complications" editado en 1999.

Toca diversos temas relacionados a cirugía laparoscopica y describe técnicas para cirugía en diversos organos. además, hay un link a la versión en español.

Sólo esta en formato htlm pero es muy recomendable.

Pueden acceder a la página de la versión en inglés al hacer click en el título de este entry

domingo, agosto 24, 2008

Prevención y Manejo del Tromboembolismo Pulmonar

Un buen artículo pertinente a esta patología publicado en Contemporary Surgery. Para acceder al texto completo hacer click sobre el título de este entry.

domingo, agosto 10, 2008

Síndrome de Opérculo Torácico

Revisión de esta patología publicado en la Revista Chilena de Cirugía. Acceso directo al artículo en formato pdf al hacer click en el título de este entry.

jueves, junio 26, 2008

Guías de la OMS sobre Seguridad de los Pacientes

La Organización Mundial de la Salud, por medio de la World Alliance for Patient Safety ha publicado unas guías para consensuar la investigación en el area de seguridad de pacientes en cirugía.

Al hacer doble click en el título de este entry tendrán acceso al documento completo en pdf.

lunes, junio 23, 2008

Instrumental Ultrasónico

Ultrasonic and Nonultrasonic Instrumentation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Brent Matthews; Luba Nalysnyk; Rhonda Estok; Kyle Fahrbach; Deirdre Banel; Heather Linz; Jaime Landman.
Arch Surg. 2008;143(6):592-600.

Objective To compare the efficacy and safety of ultrasonic surgical instrumentation with nonultrasonic traditional surgical techniques in various types of surgery.

Data Sources Electronic searches of MEDLINE, Current Contents, and the Cochrane Library were performed for the period of 1990 to June 1, 2005, using relevant search terms. A manual check of all references in accepted studies was also performed.

Study Selection Only comparative studies (including randomized and nonrandomized control trials) of ultrasonic surgical instrumentation with nonultrasonic instrumentation were accepted. Procedures of interest included the following: colorectal surgery, gynecologic surgery, head and neck surgery, solid organ surgery, vessel harvesting, cholecystectomy, hemorrhoidectomy, mastectomy, and Nissen fundoplication.

Data Extraction Two investigators reviewed each study: the first investigator extracted all relevant data, and consensus of each extraction was performed by a second investigator to verify the data. Data were then entered into a database and quality checked for accuracy.

Data Synthesis Fifty-one primary studies that examined 4902 patients were included in this systematic review, of which 24 were randomized trials and 27 were nonrandomized studies. Comparative meta-analyses for blood loss, surgery time, and hospital length of stay were performed using a random-effects model and stratified by surgery type. Heterogeneity was tested using Q statistics. Statistical significance was defined as P < .05.

Conclusion Meta-analysis of outcomes comparing ultrasonic with conventional nonultrasonic surgical instrumentation demonstrates significant improvement of several perioperative outcomes in procedure-specific settings when ultrasonic instrumentation is used.

domingo, junio 15, 2008

Apendicectomía Laparoscópica vs Tradicional

Apendicitis aguda complicada. Abordaje abierto comparado con el laparoscópico
Francisco Gil Piedra, Dieter Morales García, José Manuel Bernal Marco, Javier Llorca Díaz, Paula Marton Bedia y Ángel Naranjo Gómez.
Cir Esp 2008; 83: 309 -12

Acceso al texto completo en español pdf al hacer click en el título de este entry.

Introducción. Aunque el uso de la laparoscopia se ha generalizado en muchas patologías, en el caso de la apendicitis aguda, y sobre todo si es complicada, no ha podido definirse como vía de elección debido al posible aumento de los casos de infección de órgano o espacio. El objetivo es comparar la morbilidad de un grupo de pacientes con apendicitis aguda complicada (gangrenosa o perforada) operados por vía convencional con otro operado por vía laparoscópica.

Pacientes y método. Estudio de cohortes prospectivo constituido por 107 pacientes intervenidos por una apendicitis complicada en un período de 2 años. Se analizaron las medias del tiempo de intervención quirúrgica y del tiempo de ingreso y la morbilidad en forma de infección del sitio quirúrgico e infección de órgano o espacio.

Resultados. En el grupo con apendicitis aguda gangrenosa, la morbilidad fue significativamente menor en el grupo de laparoscopia (p = 0,014). La infección del sitio quirúrgico fue significativamente mayor en el grupo de cirugía abierta (p = 0,041), y no se encontró diferencias en cuanto a la infección de órgano o espacio (p = 0,471). En el grupo de pacientes con apendicitis aguda perforada (p = 0,026), la morbilidad fue significativamente mayor en el grupo de cirugía abierta (p = 0,046). La infección de sitio quirúrgico fue significativamente mayor en este grupo (p = 0,004), y no hubo diferencias significativas en cuanto a la infección de órgano o espacio (p = 0,612).

Conclusiones. Estos resultados indican que la apendicectomía laparoscópica en las apendicitis complicadas es una vía de abordaje segura y ofrece ventajas significativas con respecto a la vía abierta.

viernes, junio 13, 2008

Técnica STARR para Prolapso Rectal

Artículo de revisión publicado en Contemporary Surgery. Trata de la resección con sutura mecánica en el tratamiento del prolapso rectal.

Para acceder al texto completo en inglés, formato pdf hacer click en el título de este entry.

jueves, junio 12, 2008

Anestesia Regional vs General en Colecistectomía Laparoscópica Electiva

Spinal vs General Anesthesia for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Interim Analysis of a Controlled Randomized Trial
George Tzovaras; Frank Fafoulakis; Kostantinos Pratsas; Stavroula Georgopoulou; Georgia Stamatiou; Constantine Hatzitheofilou.
Arch Surg. 2008;143(5):497-501.

Objective To compare spinal anesthesia with the gold standard general anesthesia for elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy in healthy patients.

Design Controlled randomized trial.

Setting University hospital.

Patients One hundred patients with symptomatic gallstone disease and American Society of Anesthesiologists status I or II were randomized to have laparoscopic cholecystectomy under spinal (n = 50) or general (n = 50) anesthesia.

Methods Intraoperative parameters, postoperative pain, complications, recovery, and patient satisfaction at follow-up were compared between the 2 groups.
Results All the procedures were completed by the allocated method of anesthesia, as there were no conversions from spinal to general anesthesia. Pain was significantly less at 4 hours (P < .001), 8 hours (P < .001), 12 hours (P < .001), and 24 hours (P = .02) after the procedure for the spinal anesthesia group compared with those who received general anesthesia. There was no difference between the 2 groups regarding complications, hospital stay, recovery, or degree of satisfaction at follow-up.

Conclusions Spinal anesthesia is adequate and safe for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in otherwise healthy patients and offers better postoperative pain control than general anesthesia without limiting recovery.

domingo, junio 01, 2008

Daño por Reperfusión tras Hemorragia. Análisis de la Literatura

Reperfusion Injury After Hemorrhage: A Collective Review.
Annals of Surgery. 247(6):929-937, June 2008.
Rushing, G; Britt, L.

Objective: To review current knowledge of hemorrhagic shock and reperfusion injury.

Summary Background Data: Patients with hemorrhagic shock require optimal resuscitation and cessation of ongoing bleeding. Often our resuscitative measures, while necessary, cause a wide range of detrimental physiologic effects. Research continues to answer questions regarding measurable endpoints and optimal fluids used in resuscitation. Elucidation and understanding of the complex metabolic pathways involved in reperfusion injury are areas of intense current investigative effort.

Methods: A literature review was performed using MEDLINE and key words related to experimental and clinical studies concerning shock and reperfusion.
Results: Experimental studies have shown that resuscitation with colloid and crystalloid show no difference in outcomes in critically ill patients. Laboratory studies are showing promising results with immunomodulation of response to injury. However, no clinical trials have shown significance yet.

Conclusions: It is unlikely that a single treatment modality or "magic bullet" will be able to substantially block such a complex regulated process unless performed before feedback mechanisms known to be in place. Ongoing translational research will inevitably have a major impact on patient care.

domingo, mayo 25, 2008

Albendazol en el Tratamiento de Equinococcosis

Artículo publicado este año en la Revista Chilena de Cirugía la que muestra fallas metodológicas referentes a un estudio utilizado para validar el uso de Albendazol como tratamiento único o asociado a punción de la hidatidosis.

Acceso al texto completo al hacer click en el título de este entry.

viernes, mayo 16, 2008

Actualización en el Manejo del Trauma Hepático

Artículo de revisión publicada en el número de mayo de este año en la Revista Española de Cirugía. Resume las alternativas diagnósticas y terapeúticas disponibles para enfrentar los distintos problemas que se pueden presentar en un paciente con trauma hepático. Los autores presentan un algoritmo que vale la pena analizar.

Pueden acceder al texto completo en español formato PDF al hacer click en el título de este entry.

domingo, mayo 04, 2008

Uso de Adhesivo para Fijar Malla en Hernioplastía

Trabajo publicado en el número de abril 2008 de la Revista Chilena de Cirugía. Se describe la técnica y resultados iniciales de la fijación de la malla de Prolene en la hernioplastía inguinal sin tensión utilizando Histoacryl (equivalente a la gotita).

Se puede acceder al texto completo en pdf al hacer click sobre el título de este entry.

domingo, abril 27, 2008

Ley 20261: Examen Médico Nacional y otros

Al hacer click en el título de este entry pueden acceder al texto de la ley que establece al Examen Médico Nacional (EMN) el caracter de obligatorio para acceder a cargos en el sistema público de salud. Además, estan las reformas a la ley 19664 e incorpora cargos al sistema de alta dirección.

sábado, abril 26, 2008

Resección Adecuada en Cáncer de Vesícula T1

What Is an Adequate Extent of Resection for T1 Gallbladder Cancers?
Annals of Surgery. 247(5):835-838, May 2008.

You, Dong Do; Lee, Hyung Geun; Paik, Kwang Yeol; Heo, Jin Seok; Choi, Seong Ho; Choi, Dong Wook.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze clinicopathologic and surgical features and to determine what should be an adequate extent of resection for T1 gallbladder cancers.

Summary Background Data: Simple cholecystectomy offers adequate treatment for T1a cancers; however, it remains debatable whether T1b cancers should be treated by simple cholecystectomy or by radical resection.

Methods: Two hundred ninety patients with gallbladder cancer underwent surgical resection. A retrospective analysis was conducted on 52 patients with pathologic stage T1 (27 [52%] with T1a and 25 [48%] with T1b). Clinicopathologic features, extents of resection, and survival rates were investigated retrospectively.

Results: No lymph node metastasis or lymphovascular or perineural infiltration was observed in those with T1a disease, but 2 of the 25 patients with T1b disease (3.8%) had lymph node metastasis and 1 patient (1.9%) had lymphatic infiltration. Twenty-one of the 52 study subjects (40.3%) underwent simple cholecystectomy. No peritoneal dissemination occurred regardless of the surgical method (laparoscopy or open surgery). Of the 23 radically resected patients (44.2%) in T1b group, 6 patients (11.5%) underwent cholecystectomy and hepatoduodenal lymph node dissection (CholeLN), and 17 patients (32.7%) underwent CholeLN combined with wedge resection of IVb and V segments of liver, common bile duct resection, or pancreaticoduodenectomy. No difference in locoregional recurrence, metastasis, or survival rate was observed regardless of combined resection of an adjacent organ. The overall survival rate for all patients was 96.2%, and for T1a and T1b these were 96.3% and 96%, respectively.

Conclusion: When early gallbladder carcinoma is suspected on the basis of imaging findings, further evaluation of the depth of invasion by endoscopic ultrasonography or intraoperative frozen biopsy is advised. Then, if the disease stage is determined to be T1a, laparoscopic or open cholecystectomy alone is curative, and if T1b, cholecystectomy with hepatoduodenal lymph node dissection without combined resection of an adjacent organ is recommended.

miércoles, abril 23, 2008

En Búsqueda del Balance en la Vida de un Cirujano

Artículo publicado en American Journal of Surgery. Muestra la visión de un cirujano respecto a los confictos potenciales que enfrenta un cirujano entre su vida personal y profesional que pueden significar un deterioro en su calidad de vida.

No he podido obtener un acceso gratuito al documento, pero lo pueden encontrar en American Journal of Surgery 2008; 195(5):557-64. Autor: Orrom W.

viernes, abril 11, 2008

Guia Clinica GES Hernias

Aquí pueden acceder a la guía clínica completa de las Garatías Explicitas de Salud (GES) sobre hernias publicadas por el Ministerio de Salud de Chile (MINSAL). Actualmente en etapa piloto pero que se supone se implementa en forma completa a partir de mediados de este año.

domingo, abril 06, 2008

Programa de Especialidad en Cirugía General: Propuesta de la Sociedad de Cirujanos de Chile

Un documento importante que comunica las definiciones y propuestas de la SChC respecto a los programas de formación de especialista de cirugía general en Chile. Recomiendo su lectura y realizar la crítica respecto a la situación actual en cada uno de sus centros de formación.

Texto completo en PDF al hacer click en el título de este entry.

viernes, marzo 28, 2008

Modelos de Residencia Quirúrgica en Urgencias

Urgencias y atención continuada: agotamiento del actual sistema de guardias y búsqueda de nuevos modelos
Jose M Enríquez-Navascués.
Cir Esp 2008; 83: 173 - 179

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La atención a las urgencias quirúrgicas se presta mediante un modelo de “guardias” de presencia física de 24 horas (encadenando jornada normal y guardia), obligatorias para todo el staff. Esta deficiente organización del trabajo se ha vuelto insostenible con la aceptación de la directiva europea de las 48 horas, y resulta penosa por el exceso de nocturnidad y enclaustramiento que conlleva. La atención a las urgencias de la cirugía general y digestiva no puede darse mediante un solo modelo de organización, sino que debe adaptarse a las circunstancias locales. Es importante separar la actividad programada de la urgente, y así como para la asistencia programada se dedican cada vez más recursos, asimismo se requiere aportar suficientes medios para la actividad urgente, que no puede considerarse como simplemente una “guardia” o un cese pasajero de la actividad programada. La troncalidad en la residencia, diferenciar por niveles la modalidad de prestación y actividad, el análisis de la actividad urgente por tramo horario e identificación de la actividad previsible, mantener mentalidad proactiva y la desaparición del concepto de “hora complementaria” deberían facilitar otro modelo asistencial y remunerativo.

domingo, marzo 16, 2008

Nódulo Pulmonar Solitario

Revisión del tema Nódulo Pulmonar Solitario (NPS) publicado en la Revista Chilena de Cirugía. Se puede acceder al texto completo en español y formato PDF al hacer click sobre el título de este entry.

miércoles, marzo 12, 2008

Marcador Genético de Recurrencia Temprana en Cáncer Pulmonar No Células Pequeñas Estadio 1

DNA Methylation Markers and Early Recurrence in Stage I Lung Cancer
Malcolm V. Brock, Craig M. Hooker, Emi Ota-Machida, et al.
N Engl J Med 2008;358(11):1118-28

Despite optimal and early surgical treatment of non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), many patients die of recurrent NSCLC. We investigated the association between gene methylation and recurrence of the tumor.

Fifty-one patients with stage I NSCLC who underwent curative resection but who had a recurrence within 40 months after resection (case patients) were matched on the basis of age, NSCLC stage, sex, and date of surgery to 116 patients with stage I NSCLC who underwent curative resection but who did not have a recurrence within 40 months after resection (controls). We investigated whether the methylation of seven genes in tumor and lymph nodes was associated with tumor recurrence.

In a multivariate model, promoter methylation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A gene p16, the H-cadherin gene CDH13, the Ras association domain family 1 gene RASSF1A, and the adenomatous polyposis coli gene APC in tumors and in histologically tumor-negative lymph nodes was associated with tumor recurrence, independently of NSCLC stage, age, sex, race, smoking history, and histologic characteristics of the tumor. Methylation of the promoter regions of p16 and CDH13 in both tumor and mediastinal lymph nodes was associated with an odds ratio of recurrent cancer of 15.50 in the original cohort and an odds ratio of 25.25 when the original cohort was combined with an independent validation cohort of 20 patients with stage I NSCLC.

Methylation of the promoter region of the four genes in patients with stage I NSCLC treated with curative intent by means of surgery is associated with early recurrence.

miércoles, marzo 05, 2008

Estrategias para Evitar Tres Problemas Comunes en Cirugía Colorrectal

Artículo publicado en Contemporary Surgery que revisa problemas y estarategias respecto a ostomias, sepsis y lesion de ureter.

Para acceder al texto completo en pdf hacer click en el título de este entry.

jueves, febrero 21, 2008

Descompresión con Aguja en Neumotórax a Tensión: ¿Qué Longitud de Aguja Usar?

Needle Thoracostomy in the Treatment of a Tension Pneumothorax in Trauma Patients: What Size Needle?
Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Care. 64(1):111-114, January 2008.
Zengerink, Imme; Brink, Peter; Laupland, Kevin; Raber, Earl; Zygun, Dave; Kortbeek, John.

Background: A tension pneumothorax requires immediate decompression using a needle thoracostomy. According to advanced trauma life support guidelines this procedure is performed in the second intercostal space (ICS) in the midclavicular line (MCL), using a 4.5-cm (2-inch) catheter (5-cm needle). Previous studies have shown a failure rate of up to 40% using this technique. Case reports have suggested that this high failure rate could be because of insufficient length of the needle.

Objectives: To analyze the average chest wall thickness (CWT) at the second ICS in the MCL in a trauma population and to evaluate the length of the needle used in needle thoracostomy for emergency decompression of tension pneumothoraces.

Methods: Retrospective review of major trauma admissions (Injury Severity Score >12) at the Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary, Canada, who underwent a computed tomography chest scan admitted in the period from October 2001 until March 2004. Subgroup analysis on men and women, <40>=40 years of age was defined a priori. CWT was measured to the nearest 0.01 cm at the second ICS in the MCL.

Results: The mean CWT in the 604 male patients and 170 female patients studied averaged 3.50 cm at the left second ICS MCL and 3.51 cm on the right. The mean CWT was significantly higher for women than men (p <>4.5 cm and 24.1% to 35.4% of the women studied.

Conclusions: A catheter length of 4.5 cm may not penetrate the chest wall of a substantial amount (9.9%-35.4%) of the population, depending on age and gender. This study demonstrates the need for a variable needle length for relief of a tension pneumothorax in certain population groups to improve effectiveness of needle thoracostomy

miércoles, febrero 13, 2008

Resumen Consenso Cáncer de Vesícula Biliar.

El 26 de Agosto del año 2004, se realizó en Santiago una reunión de consenso sobre el manejo del cáncer de la vesícula biliar, que incluyó un importante número de profesionales médicos relacionados con el tema.

Al hacer click en título de este entry se puede acceder a los puntos más importantes de este consenso resumidos y que fueron publicados en la Revista Chilena de Cirugía en su número de diciembre 2007.

lunes, febrero 11, 2008

Toracotomia de Emergencia en el Manejo del Trauma Abdominal Exsanguinante

Emergency Department Thoracotomy: Still Useful After Abdominal Exsanguination?
Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Care. 64(1):1-8, January 2008
Seamon, Mark; Pathak, Abhijit; Bradley, Kevin; Fisher, Carol; Gaughan, John; Kulp, Heather; Pieri, Paola; Santora, Thomas; Goldberg, Amy.

Although literature regarding emergency department thoracotomy (EDT) outcome after abdominal exsanguination is limited, numerous reports have documented poor EDT survival in patients with anatomic injuries other than cardiac wounds. As a result, many trauma surgeons consider prelaparotomy EDT futile for patients dying from intra-abdominal hemorrhage. Our primary study objective was to prove that prelaparotomy EDT is beneficial to patients with exsanguinating abdominal hemorrhage.

A retrospective review of 237 consecutive EDTs for penetrating injury (2000-2006) revealed 50 patients who underwent EDT for abdominal exsanguination. Age, gender, injury mechanism and location, field and emergency department (ED) signs of life, prehospital time, initial ED cardiac rhythm, vital signs, Glasgow Coma Score, blood transfusion requirements, predicted mortality, primary abdominal injuries, and the need for temporary abdominal closure were analyzed. The primary study endpoint was neurologically intact hospital survival.

The 50 patients who underwent prelaparotomy EDT for abdominal exsanguination were largely young (mean, 27.3 +/- 8.2 years) males (94%) suffering firearm injuries (98%). Patients presented with field (84%) and ED signs of life (78%) after a mean prehospital time of 21.2 +/- 9.8 minutes. Initial ED cardiac rhythms were variable and Glasgow Coma Score was depressed (mean, 4.2 +/- 3.2). Eight (16%) patients survived hospitalization, neurologically intact. Of these eight, all were in hemorrhagic shock because of major abdominal vascular (75%) or severe liver injuries (25%) and all required massive blood transfusion (mean, 28.6 +/- 17.3 units) and extended intensive care unit length of stay (mean, 36.3 +/- 25.7 days).

Despite critical injuries, 16% survived hospitalization, neurologically intact, after EDT for abdominal exsanguination. Our results suggest that prelaparotomy EDT provides survival benefit to penetrating trauma victims dying from intra-abdominal hemorrhage.

domingo, febrero 10, 2008

Divertículo de Meckel Incidental: ¿Resecar o No?

Incidentally Detected Meckel Diverticulum: To Resect or Not to Resect?
Annals of Surgery. 247(2):276-281, February 2008.
Zani, Augusto; Eaton, Simon; Rees, Clare; Pierro, Agostino.

Management of incidentally detected Meckel diverticulum (MD) remains controversial. Our aims were to establish: (1) the prevalence of MD; (2) the morbidity and (3) mortality due to MD.
Systematic review: A total of 244 papers meeting defined criteria were included; there were no prospective or randomized studies. MD prevalence and mortality from autopsy studies, postoperative complications, and outcome of incidentally detected MD were extracted. Population-based data: Data were obtained from national databases on MD as cause of death, and on number of MD resections per year.

The prevalence of MD is 1.2% and historical mortality of MD was 0.01%. The current mortality from MD is 0.001%. The number of MD resections per year per 100,000 population decreased significantly after the pediatric age range (P < 0.001). Resection of incidentally detected MD has a significantly higher postoperative complication rate than leaving it in situ (P < 0.0001). The long-term outcome of patients with incidentally detected MD left in situ showed no complications. Seven-hundred fifty-eight patients would require incidentally detected MD resection to prevent 1 death from MD.

MD is present in 1.2% of the population, it is a very rare cause of mortality, and it is primarily a disease of the young. Leaving an incidentally detected MD in situ reduces the risk of postoperative complications without increasing late complications. A large number of MD resections would need to be performed to prevent 1 death from MD. The above evidence does not support the resection of incidentally detected MD.

CPRE Precoz en el Manejo de Pancreatitis Aguda Sin Colangitis: Metaanálisis

Early Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Versus Conservative Management in Acute Biliary Pancreatitis Without Cholangitis: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials.
Annals of Surgery. 247(2):250-257, February 2008.

Petrov, Maxim; van Santvoort, Hjalmar; Besselink, Marc; van der Heijden, Geert; van Erpecum, Karel; Gooszen, Hein.

Early endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) should be performed in all patients with acute biliary pancreatitis (ABP) and coexisting acute cholangitis. In patients without cholangitis and predicted mild ABP it is generally accepted that early ERCP should not be performed. Nevertheless, there is a controversy regarding the role of early ERCP in the treatment of patients with predicted severe ABP without cholangitis. We reviewed randomized trials on early ERCP versus conservative management in patients with ABP without acute cholangitis.

Relevant publications in 3 electronic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) were systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed.

Seven randomized trials on ERCP in acute pancreatitis were found, of which 3 including a total of 450 patients (230 in the invasive arm and 220 in the control arm) qualified for a meta-analysis according to predefined criteria. In all patients with ABP (predicted mild and severe), early ERCP was associated with a nonsignificant reduction in overall complications [risk ratio (RR) 0.76; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.41-1.04; P = 0.38] and a nonsignificant increase in mortality (RR 1.13; 95% CI 0.23-5.63; P = 0.88). Subgroup analysis based on predicted severity did not affect these outcomes (overall complications: predicted mild: RR 0.86; 95% CI 0.62-1.19; P = 0.36; predicted severe: RR 0.82; 95% CI 0.32-2.10; P = 0.68; mortality: predicted mild: RR 1.90; 95% CI 0.25-14.55; P = 0.53; predicted severe: RR 1.28; 95% CI 0.20-8.06; P = 0.80).

In this meta-analysis, early ERCP in patients with predicted mild and predicted severe ABP without acute cholangitis did not lead to a significant reduction in the risk of overall complications and mortality.

sábado, febrero 09, 2008

Consejos para Realizar Anastomosis en Forma Segura

Artículo publicado en Contemporary Surgery que abarca el tema de suturas intestinales. Se puede acceder al texto completo en PDF al hacer click en el título de este entry.

lunes, febrero 04, 2008

Recuento de Compresas: Utilidad

Managing the Prevention of Retained Surgical Instruments: What Is the Value of Counting?
Annals of Surgery. 247(1):13-18, January 2008.
Egorova, Natalia; Moskowitz, Alan; Gelijns, Annetine; Weinberg, Alan; Curty, James; Rabin-Fastman, Barbara; Kaplan, Harold; Cooper, Mary; Fowler, Dennis; Emond, Jean; Greco, Giampaolo.

Objective: Preventing retained foreign bodies is critical for patient safety. However, the value of counting surgical instruments and the reliability of the information provided have never been quantified. This study examines the diagnostic characteristics of counting and its impact on surgical costs.

Methods: We examined data from the Medical Event Reporting System-Total HealthSystem (MERS-TH), administrative hospital, and the New York State Cardiac Surgery Report databases (2000-2004). The cost per count discrepancy was examined by studying a cohort of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. Linear and logistic multivariable regression models were used for statistical analysis.

Results: Of 153,263 operations, there were 1062 count discrepancies. The rate of retained items was 1 of 7000 surgeries or 1 of 70 discrepancy cases. Final count discrepancies identified 77% and prevented 54% of retained items. The sensitivity of counting was 77.2%, specificity was 99.2%, but the positive predictive value was only 1.6%. Count discrepancies increased with surgery duration, late time procedures, and number of nursing teams. Bypass time, intravenous nitroglycerin injections, or myocardial infarction in the previous 24 hours were independent predictors of count discrepancies in CABG surgery. The incremental OR cost for CABG because of a count discrepancy was $932. Nationally, this would amount to an additional $24 million/yr in OR CABG cost.

Conclusions: This study, for the first time, quantifies the diagnostic accuracy of counting and defines the parameters against which alternative strategies of prevention should be measured, before being adopted in standard practice.

domingo, enero 20, 2008

Insulinoterapia Intensiva y Reanimación con Coloides (HES) en Sepsis Severa

Intensive Insulin Therapy and Pentastarch Resuscitation in Severe Sepsis
Frank M. Brunkhorst, M.D., et al. for the German Competence Network Sepsis (SepNet)
N Engl J Med 2008;358(2):125-39.

The role of intensive insulin therapy in patients with severe sepsis is uncertain. Fluid resuscitation improves survival among patients with septic shock, but evidence is lacking to support the choice of either crystalloids or colloids.

In a multicenter, two-by-two factorial trial, we randomly assigned patients with severe sepsis to receive either intensive insulin therapy to maintain euglycemia or conventional insulin therapy and either 10% pentastarch, a low-molecular-weight hydroxyethyl starch (HES 200/0.5), or modified Ringer's lactate for fluid resuscitation. The rate of death at 28 days and the mean score for organ failure were coprimary end points.

The trial was stopped early for safety reasons. Among 537 patients who could be evaluated, the mean morning blood glucose level was lower in the intensive-therapy group (112 mg per deciliter [6.2 mmol per liter]) than in the conventional-therapy group (151 mg per deciliter [8.4 mmol per liter], P<0.001). However, at 28 days, there was no significant difference between the two groups in the rate of death or the mean score for organ failure. The rate of severe hypoglycemia (glucose level, 40 mg per deciliter [2.2 mmol per liter]) was higher in the intensive-therapy group than in the conventional-therapy group (17.0% vs. 4.1%, P<0.001), as was the rate of serious adverse events (10.9% vs. 5.2%, P=0.01). HES therapy was associated with higher rates of acute renal failure and renal-replacement therapy than was Ringer's lactate.

The use of intensive insulin therapy placed critically ill patients with sepsis at increased risk for serious adverse events related to hypoglycemia. As used in this study, HES was harmful, and its toxicity increased with accumulating doses.

domingo, enero 13, 2008

Hidrocortisona en el Shock Séptico

Hydrocortisone Therapy for Patients with Septic Shock
Charles Sprung, Djillali Annane, Didier Keh, et al. for the CORTICUS Study Group
N Engl J Med 2008;358(2):111-24.

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Hydrocortisone is widely used in patients with septic shock even though a survival benefit has been reported only in patients who remained hypotensive after fluid and vasopressor resuscitation and whose plasma cortisol levels did not rise appropriately after the administration of corticotropin.

In this multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, we assigned 251 patients to receive 50 mg of intravenous hydrocortisone and 248 patients to receive placebo every 6 hours for 5 days; the dose was then tapered during a 6-day period. At 28 days, the primary outcome was death among patients who did not have a response to a corticotropin test.

Of the 499 patients in the study, 233 (46.7%) did not have a response to corticotropin (125 in the hydrocortisone group and 108 in the placebo group). At 28 days, there was no significant difference in mortality between patients in the two study groups who did not have a response to corticotropin (39.2% in the hydrocortisone group and 36.1% in the placebo group, P=0.69) or between those who had a response to corticotropin (28.8% in the hydrocortisone group and 28.7% in the placebo group, P=1.00). At 28 days, 86 of 251 patients in the hydrocortisone group (34.3%) and 78 of 248 patients in the placebo group (31.5%) had died (P=0.51). In the hydrocortisone group, shock was reversed more quickly than in the placebo group. However, there were more episodes of superinfection, including new sepsis and septic shock.

Hydrocortisone did not improve survival or reversal of shock in patients with septic shock, either overall or in patients who did not have a response to corticotropin, although hydrocortisone hastened reversal of shock in patients in whom shock was reversed

martes, enero 08, 2008

Metaánalisis Resultados Colecistectomía Laparoscópica Precoz vs Diferida en Colecistitis Aguda

Early versus delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
Tamim Siddiqui, Alisdair MacDonald, Peter Chong and John Jenkins.
American Journal of Surgery 2008;195(1):40-47

The appropriate timing for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the treatment of acute cholecystitis remains controversial. More recent evaluation indicates early laparoscopic surgery may be a safe option in acute cholecystitis, although conversion rates may be higher. No conclusive evidence establishing best practice in terms of clinical benefit exists.

All randomized clinical studies published between 1987 and 2006 comparing early versus delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis were analyzed, irrespective of language, blinding, or publication status. Exclusions were quasi-randomized trials, inadequate follow-up description, or allocation concealment. Endpoints included conversion rates, postoperative complications, total hospital stay, and operation time. Random and fixed-effect models were used to aggregate the study endpoints and assess heterogeneity.

Four studies containing 375 patients were included. No significant study heterogeneity or publication bias was found. There was no significant difference in conversion rates (odds ratio = .915 [95% confidence interval (CI), .567–1.477], P = .718) and postoperative complications (odds ratio = 1.073 [95% CI, .599–1.477], P = .813) between both groups. Operation time was significantly reduced (weighted mean difference [WMD] = .412 [95% CI, .149–.675], P = .002) with delayed cholecystectomy. The total hospital stay was significantly reduced (WMD = .905 [95% CI, .630–1.179], P = .0005) with early cholecystectomy. The postoperative stay was significantly reduced in the delayed group (WMD = .393 [95% CI, .128–.659], P = .004).

These meta-analysis data suggest that early laparoscopic cholecystectomy allows significantly shorter total hospital stay at the cost of a significantly longer operation time with no significant differences in conversion rates or complications.

domingo, enero 06, 2008

Dexmedetomidina es Mejor que Lorazepam Para Sedación de Pacientes Críticos en UTI: Resultados de MENDS

Effect of Sedation With Dexmedetomidine vs Lorazepam on Acute Brain Dysfunction in Mechanically Ventilated Patients: The MENDS Randomized Controlled Trial
Pratik Pandharipande; Brenda Pun; Daniel Herr; Mervyn Maze; Timothy Girard; Russell R. Miller; Ayumi Shintani; Jennifer Thompson; James Jackson; Stephen Deppen; Renee Stiles; Robert Dittus; Gordon Bernard; Wesley Ely.
JAMA. 2007;298(22):2644-2653.

Lorazepam is currently recommended for sustained sedation of mechanically ventilated intensive care unit (ICU) patients, but this and other benzodiazepine drugs may contribute to acute brain dysfunction, ie, delirium and coma, associated with prolonged hospital stays, costs, and increased mortality. Dexmedetomidine induces sedation via different central nervous system receptors than the benzodiazepine drugs and may lower the risk of acute brain dysfunction.

To determine whether dexmedetomidine reduces the duration of delirium and coma in mechanically ventilated ICU patients while providing adequate sedation as compared with lorazepam.

Design, Setting, Patients, and Intervention
Double-blind, randomized controlled trial of 106 adult mechanically ventilated medical and surgical ICU patients at 2 tertiary care centers between August 2004 and April 2006. Patients were sedated with dexmedetomidine or lorazepam for as many as 120 hours. Study drugs were titrated to achieve the desired level of sedation, measured using the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS). Patients were monitored twice daily for delirium using the Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU).

Main Outcome Measures
Days alive without delirium or coma and percentage of days spent within 1 RASS point of the sedation goal.

Sedation with dexmedetomidine resulted in more days alive without delirium or coma (median days, 7.0 vs 3.0; P = .01) and a lower prevalence of coma (63% vs 92%; P < .001) than sedation with lorazepam. Patients sedated with dexmedetomidine spent more time within 1 RASS point of their sedation goal compared with patients sedated with lorazepam (median percentage of days, 80% vs 67%; P = .04). The 28-day mortality in the dexmedetomidine group was 17% vs 27% in the lorazepam group (P = .18) and cost of care was similar between groups. More patients in the dexmedetomidine group (42% vs 31%; P = .61) were able to complete post-ICU neuropsychological testing, with similar scores in the tests evaluating global cognitive, motor speed, and attention functions. The 12-month time to death was 363 days in the dexmedetomidine group vs 188 days in the lorazepam group (P = .48).

In mechanically ventilated ICU patients managed with individualized targeted sedation, use of a dexmedetomidine infusion resulted in more days alive without delirium or coma and more time at the targeted level of sedation than with a lorazepam infusion.

miércoles, enero 02, 2008

Conceptos Básicos de los Aneurismas de Aorta Abdominal (AAA)

Revisión publicada en Contemporary Surgery que resume lo mínimo que debe conocer un estudiante de medicina respecto a esta patología.

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martes, enero 01, 2008

Algunos Aspectos Referentes al Megacolon

Artículo de Contemporary Surgery. A raíz de un caso clínico aporta datos básicos referentes al cuadro clínico, estudio y manejo del megacolon.

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domingo, diciembre 30, 2007

Análisis de las Carreras del Ambito de la Salud en Chile

Este artículo entrega una visión de las carreras relacionadas a la salud que se estan impartiendo en Chile. No compara entre distintas casas de estudio pero aporta datos importantes.

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Medicina y otras Carreras de la Salud en Chile: Un análisis preliminar.
MEDINA L, Ernesto y KAEMPFFER R, Ana María.
Rev. méd. Chile, oct. 2007, vol.135, no.10, p.1346-1354

Background: During 2006, Chilean universities had 586,000 students, corresponding to 41% of the population aged 18 to 23 years. Aim: To evaluate the situation of health care teaching in Chile. Material and Methods: Data from 6,212 careers were elaborated, considering the area of knowledge taught, level of teaching, geography, number and type of students, admission and tuition fees. Results: There are 537 programs for health care teaching in Chile. Of these, 231 are for nursing or dentistry aide personnel. The system has 60,648 matriculated students and it collected a total of US$250 millions in tuition fees. Only 9,8% of programs are accreditated. The students who chose health careers had the highest scores in the National University Selection Examination or PSU. Between 2000 and 2006, there was a significant increase in the number of medical students and every year, 1,000 new physicians will receive their title. During 2007, 1,634 new posts were offered in medical schools, 3,873 in nursing and 5,671 for kinesiology. Conclusions: There is a disharmonic growth of University teaching in Chile, that will solve historical deficits of professionals such as nurses but will introduce important changes in Chilean medicine

jueves, diciembre 27, 2007

Hipotensión Permisiva: Un Concepto Que Toma Fuerza en el Manejo del Trauma

La editorial de este mes de la Revista Española de Cirugía toca este tema. Aparecen referencias "clásicas" de trabajos que estan mostrando que en ciertas situaciones hay mejores resultados con aporte juicioso de volumen en pacientes con trauma penetrante y contuso.

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miércoles, diciembre 26, 2007

Enfermedad Diverticular

Revisión publicada en noviembre de este año en New England Journal of Medicine donde se toca varios aspectos de esta patologia incluyendo la clasificación de Hinchey.

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sábado, diciembre 22, 2007

Algo Más Que Sólo Medicina

Una serie de trabajos publicados en la edición navideña de BMJ aborda una serie de temas que rodean a la medicina en la vida diaria y trata de analizarlos con una vision alternativa. Toca temas como: Mitos médicos (las uñas no crecen después de la muerte o utilizamos más del 10% de nuestro cerebro), terminos "coa" en la medicina, etc.

domingo, diciembre 16, 2007

Reflexiones en Torno a la Apendicitis Aguda

Appendectomy: Negative Appendectomy No Longer Ignored
Tetsuji Fujita, MD; Katuhiko Yanaga, MD
Arch Surg. 2007;142(11):1023-1025.

Early appendectomy has been the treatment of choice for patients with confirmed or suspected acute appendicitis. The surgical residents have been taught that although observation may reduce the rate of unnecessary appendectomy, such a policy will increase the rate of perforation, which undoubtedly results in increased morbidity and mortality. Whereas appendectomy has been a safe procedure with a mortality rate of 0.4% to 0.08% for uncomplicated appendicitis,1-2 in some series perforated appendicitis is associated with an unacceptable mortality rate as high as 12%.1 For patients with acute appendicitis, therefore, the perforation rate has been used as an index of quality of care. In a recent study, the association between time from the onset of symptoms and risk of appendiceal rupture was retrospectively studied in 219 patients who had undergone appendectomy for pathologically proven appendicitis.3 The risk was negligible within the first 24 hours.

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miércoles, diciembre 12, 2007

Trasplante Facial: Reporte Tras 18 Meses del Primer Caso

Outcomes 18 Months after the First Human Partial Face Transplantation
Jean-Michel Dubernard et al.
N Engl J Med 2007; 357(24):2451-60

We performed the first human partial face allograft on November 27, 2005. Here we report outcomes up to 18 months after transplantation.

The postsurgical induction immunosuppression protocol included thymoglobulins combined with tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and prednisone. Donor hematopoietic stem cells were infused on postoperative days 4 and 11. Sequential biopsy specimens were taken from a sentinel skin graft, the facial skin, and the oral mucosa. Functional progress was assessed by tests of sensory and motor function performed monthly. Psychological support was provided before and after transplantation.

Sensitivity to light touch, as assessed with the use of static monofilaments, and sensitivity to heat and cold had returned to normal at 6 months after transplantation. Motor recovery was slower, and labial contact allowing complete mouth closure was achieved at 10 months. Psychological acceptance of the graft progressed as function improved. Rejection episodes occurred on days 18 and 214 after transplantation and were reversed. A decrease in inulin clearance led to a change in immunosuppressive regimen from tacrolimus to sirolimus at 14 months. Extracorporeal photochemotherapy was introduced at 10 months to prevent recurrence of rejection. There have been no subsequent rejection episodes. At 18 months, the patient is satisfied with the aesthetic result.

In this patient who underwent the first partial face transplantation, the functional and aesthetic results 18 months after transplantation are satisfactory

martes, diciembre 11, 2007

Congreso Chileno de Cirugía 2008

sábado, diciembre 08, 2007

Modelo Experimental de Efecto de Perforación Intestinal en ETCO2 Durante Laparoscopía

Effect of Small Bowel Perforation During Laparoscopy on End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide: Observation in a Small Animal Model
Shmuel Avital, Roye Inbar M, Ron Ben-Abraham, Samuel Szomstein, Raul Rosenthal, Yehuda Sckornik and Avi Weinbroum.
Journal of Surgical Research 2007; 143(2): 368-71

There are currently no reports in the literature regarding changes in end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) when the small bowel is deliberately or inadvertently perforated during laparoscopic surgery. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of small bowel perforation during laparoscopy on ETCO2 in a rat model.

Materials and methods
Two groups of Wistar rats (n = 8/group) were anesthetized, tracheostomized, and mechanically ventilated at a fixed tidal volume and respiratory rate. After a stabilization phase of 30 min, CO2 pneumoperitoneum was established to 5 mmHg in one group and 12 mmHg in the other group, and maintained for 30 min. A small bowel perforation was then created and pneumoperitoneum was reestablished for another 30 min. Blood pressure, heart rate, peak ventilatory pressure, and ETCO2 were recorded throughout the experiment.

No significant changes in blood pressure throughout the experiment were noted in either group. The ventilatory pressure increased in both groups after the induction of pneumoperitoneum. In the 5 mmHg group, there was a modest increase in ETCO2 following the induction of pneumoperitoneum (from 39.4 ± 1.9 to 41.1 ± 1.4, P = 0.014), and a further increase following the small bowel perforation (from 41.1 ± 1.4 to 42 ± 0.8, P = 0.007). In the 12 mmHg group, there was no change in ETCO2 after the induction of pneumoperitoneum; however, there was a substantial increase in ETCO2 following bowel perforation (35.0 ± 2.0 to 49.8 ± 7.1, P = 0.002).

ETCO2 increases when the small bowel is perforated during CO2 pneumoperitoneum. This increase seems more substantial under higher pneumoperitoneal pressures. Small bowel injury may enable the diffusion of CO2 through the bowel mucosa, causing ETCO2 elevation. Therefore, an abrupt increase in ETCO2 observed during laparoscopy may indicate small bowel injury.

jueves, diciembre 06, 2007

Autotransfusión Intraoperatoria en Cirugía de Aneurisma de Aorta Abdominal

Intraoperative Autotransfusion in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery:
Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Hisato Takagi; Seishiro Sekino; Takayoshi Kato; Yukihiro Matsuno; Takuya Umemoto.
Arch Surg. 2007;142(11):1098-1101.

To determine whether intraoperative autotransfusion reduces the percentage of patients undergoing allogeneic blood transfusion.

Data Sources and Study Selection
Using a public domain database (MEDLINE) and a Web-based search engine (PubMed), all intraoperative autotransfusion vs control prospective randomized controlled trials that enrolled patients undergoing elective infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery, published between January 1, 1966, and November 30, 2005, were searched. Relevant studies were identified through a manual search of secondary sources including references of initially identified articles.

Data Extraction
Data on detailed inclusion criteria, autotransfusion system type, and incidence of allogeneic blood transfusion were abstracted from each study. Sensitivity analyses were performed by excluding individual trials one at a time and recalculating the pooled risk ratio estimates for the remaining studies.

Data Synthesis
Our search identified 4 randomized controlled trials including data for 292 patients. Pooled analysis demonstrated a statistically significant 37% reduction in risk of allogeneic blood transfusion with intraoperative autotransfusion compared with control (risk ratio, 0.63; 95% confidence interval, 0.41-0.95; P = .03) in a random-effects model. There was statistically significant trial heterogeneity of results (P = .02) but no evidence of statistically significant publication bias (P = .497). Two of 4 sensitivity analyses demonstrated statistically nonsignificant results favoring intraoperative autotransfusion.

Based on a meta-analysis of available randomized controlled trials, intraoperative autotransfusion reduces risk of allogeneic blood transfusion in elective infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery.

domingo, diciembre 02, 2007

Prevención de Infecciones por Cateteres Venosos Centrales

Artículo publicado en el número de diciembre de Contemporary Surgery. Da un resumen de recomendaciones para disminuir el riesgo de infecciones por CVC.

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sábado, diciembre 01, 2007

Capacidad para Tomar Decisiones: Diferencias entre Médicos y Abogados

La noción de capacidad de la persona para tomar decisiones, en la práctica médica y legal
Gladys Bórquez, Gina Raineri, Nina Horwitz, Gabriela Huepe.
Rev Méd Chile 2007; 135: 1153-9

La existencia de una relación diferente entre el enfermo y el profesional de la salud, que enfatiza la deliberación y participación conjunta, traduce en el proceso de consentimiento informado. Así, todo paciente bien informado es capaz de tomar todas las decisiones que lo afectan en su vida y en su salud. En este contexto, una decisión es autónoma cuando cumple tres condiciones: voluntariedad, información y capacidad, siendo la capacidad la más difícil de evaluar.
La capacidad en salud, definida como la aptitud para desempeñar una tarea específica, en el caso de los pacientes se refiere a tomar decisiones respecto al diagnóstico, tratamiento, pronóstico y cuidado de su enfermedad. De acuerdo con la gravedad de la decisión a tomar, varían las exigencias de los estándares a medir. En la práctica se confunde la capacidad para tomar decisiones en el ámbito médico y legal, lo que es de suma importancia para las personas, toda vez que la consecuencia de ser declarado incapaz, es el impedimento de seguir ejerciendo ese derecho tan personal. Esta tarea, dependiendo del caso al que nos enfrentemos, le es entregada a un tercero, que puede serlo de forma transitoria o definitiva, dependiendo de su situación legal.
En una publicación anterior, realizamos una extensa revisión de la reglamentación sanitaria y legal vigente en Chile en torno al tema de la capacidad, con relación a los menores de edad, ancianos y enfermos mentales, marco que ha guiado el planteamiento del presente estudio. La relevancia de investigar empíricamente este problema es crucial, cuando en nuestra sociedad se está revisando la legislación en temas que dicen relación con la sexualidad, la salud, la vida y la muerte.
El presente estudio explora cómo se concibe y evalúa la capacidad de las personas para tomar decisiones en la práctica médica y legal en nuestro país, dando cuenta de los siguientes objetivos específicos: identificar la noción de capacidad para tomar decisiones entre médicos y abogados; identificar los procedimientos utilizados en la práctica médica nacional para estos efectos y conocer cuáles son las diferencias para evaluar la capacidad en los grupos de menores, ancianos y pacientes con problemas de salud mental.

miércoles, noviembre 28, 2007

Manejo de Cáncer de Vesícula Biliar T2 en EEUU

Management of T2 gallbladder cancer: are practice patterns consistent with national recommendations?
Byron E. Wright, Chris Lee, Douglas Iddings, Maihgan Kavanagh and Anton Bilchik.
American Journal of Surgery 2007;194(6):820-6

The national recommendation for the management of localized T2 gallbladder cancer (GBCA) is radical cholecystectomy. Although reported survival for localized T2 disease has been poor, groups have documented improvement with radical resection. We hypothesized that a discrepancy exists between national recommendations and current practice patterns.

Patients diagnosed with localized T2 GBCA between 1988 and 2002 were identified from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results registry. Age, sex, race, ethnicity, extent of surgery, and overall survival were assessed. Surgical procedure was categorized as cholecystectomy alone (CS), cholecystectomy plus lymph node dissection (CS+LN), radical cholecystectomy (RCS), or other. Survival calculations were made using the Kaplan-Meier method and compared with the log-rank test.

Of 382 patients with pathologically confirmed T2 GBCA, 280 were women. The median patient age was 75 years. A total of 238 patients underwent CS, 76 underwent CS+LN, and 14 underwent RCS. The remaining 54 patients underwent a lesser or no procedure and were excluded from comparative analysis. The median survival was 14 months for all patients and 14, 14, and 8 months for subgroups treated with CS, CS+LN, and RCS, respectively. Rates of 5-year survival were 23%, 24%, and 36% for CS, CS+LN, and RCS subgroups, respectively. There was no significant difference in survival rates between RCS and CS+LN, or between RCS and CS.

The majority of patients with T2 GBCA in the United States are not managed according to current national recommendations.

martes, noviembre 27, 2007

Manejo de la Enfermedad de Chagas en EEUU: Revisión Sistemática

Evaluation and Treatment of Chagas Disease in the United States: A Systematic Review
Caryn Bern; Susan Montgomery; Barbara Herwaldt; Anis Rassi Jr; Jose Antonio Marin-Neto; Roberto Dantas; James Maguire; Harry Acquatella; Carlos Morillo; Louis Kirchhoff; Robert Gilman; Pedro Reyes; Roberto Salvatella; Anne Moore.
JAMA. 2007;298(18):2171-81.

Context Because of population migration from endemic areas and newly instituted blood bank screening, US clinicians are likely to see an increasing number of patients with suspected or confirmed chronic Trypanosoma cruzi infection (Chagas disease).

Objective To examine the evidence base and provide practical recommendations for evaluation, counseling, and etiologic treatment of patients with chronic T cruzi infection.

Evidence Acquisition Literature review conducted based on a systematic MEDLINE search for all available years through 2007; review of additional articles, reports, and book chapters; and input from experts in the field.

Evidence Synthesis The patient newly diagnosed with Chagas disease should undergo a medical history, physical examination, and resting 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) with a 30-second lead II rhythm strip. If this evaluation is normal, no further testing is indicated; history, physical examination, and ECG should be repeated annually. If findings suggest Chagas heart disease, a comprehensive cardiac evaluation, including 24-hour ambulatory ECG monitoring, echocardiography, and exercise testing, is recommended. If gastrointestinal tract symptoms are present, barium contrast studies should be performed. Antitrypanosomal treatment is recommended for all cases of acute and congenital Chagas disease, reactivated infection, and chronic T cruzi infection in individuals 18 years or younger. In adults aged 19 to 50 years without advanced heart disease, etiologic treatment may slow development and progression of cardiomyopathy and should generally be offered; treatment is considered optional for those older than 50 years. Individualized treatment decisions for adults should balance the potential benefit, prolonged course, and frequent adverse effects of the drugs. Strong consideration should be given to treatment of previously untreated patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection or those expecting to undergo organ transplantation.

Conclusions Chagas disease presents an increasing challenge for clinicians in the United States. Despite gaps in the evidence base, current knowledge is sufficient to make practical recommendations to guide appropriate evaluation, management, and etiologic treatment of Chagas disease.

lunes, noviembre 26, 2007

Quemaduras en Pies

Foot burns: Epidemiology and management
S. Hemington-Gorse, S. Pellard, Wilson-Jones and Potokara. The Welsh Regional Burns and Plastic Surgical Unit, Morriston Hospital. United Kingdom.
Burns 2007; 33(8):1041-5

This is a retrospective study of the epidemiology and management of isolated foot burns presenting to the Welsh Centre for Burns from January 1998 to December 2002. A total of 289 were treated of which 233 were included in this study.
Approximately 40% were in the paediatric age group and the gender distribution varied dramatically for adults and children.
In the adult group the male:female ratio was 3.5:1, however in the paediatric group the male:female ratio was more equal (1.6:1). Scald burns (65%) formed the largest group in children and scald (35%) and chemical burns (32%) in adults.
Foot burns have a complication rate of 18% and prolonged hospital stay.
Complications include hypertrophic scarring, graft loss/delayed healing and wound infection. Although isolated foot burns represent a small body surface area, over half require treatment as in patients to allow for initial aggressive conservative management of elevation and regular wound cleansing to avoid complications.
This study suggests a protocol for the initial acute management of foot burns. This protocol states immediate referral of all foot burns to a burn centre, admission of these burns for 24–48 h for elevation, regular wound cleansing with change of dressings and prophylactic antibiotics.

domingo, noviembre 25, 2007

Dolor Crónico tras Hernioplastía Primaria vs Con Malla

Randomized clinical trial of mesh versus non-mesh primary inguinal hernia repair: Long-term chronic pain at 10 years
Ruben van Veen, Arthur Wijsmuller, Wietske Vrijland, Wim Hop, Johan Lange and Johannus Jeekel. University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Surgery 2007;142(5):695-8.

Open mesh or non-mesh inguinal hernia repair may influence the incidence of chronic postoperative pain differently.

A total of 300 patients scheduled for repair of a primary unilateral inguinal hernia were randomized to non-mesh or mesh repair. The primary outcome measure was clinical outcome including persistent pain and discomfort interfering with daily activity. Long-term results at 3 years of follow-up have been published. Included here are 10-year follow-up results with respect to pain.

Of the 300 patients, 87 patients (30%) died and 49 patients (17%) were lost to follow-up. A total of 153 were physically examined in the outpatient clinic after a median long-term follow-up of 129 months (range, 109 to 148 months). None of the patients in the non-mesh or mesh group suffered from persistent pain and discomfort interfering with daily activity.

Our 10-year follow-up study provides evidence that mesh repair of inguinal hernia is equal to non-mesh repair with respect to long-term persistent pain and discomfort interfering with daily activity. An important new finding from the patient’s perspective is that chronic postoperative pain seems to dissipate over time.

jueves, noviembre 22, 2007


Mayo Clin Proc 2007;82(11):1409-32.

Sarcomas comprise a heterogeneous group of mesenchymal neoplasms.
They can be grouped into 2 general categories, soft tissue sarcoma and primary bone sarcoma, which have different staging and treatment approaches.
This review includes a discussion of both soft tissue sarcomas (malignant fibrous histiocytoma, liposarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, synovial sarcoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, angiosarcoma, Kaposi sarcoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, aggressive fibromatosis or desmoid tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma, and primary alveolar soft-part sarcoma) and primary bone sarcomas (osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, giant cell tumor, and chondrosarcoma).
The 3 most important prognostic variables are grade, size, and location of the primary tumor. The approach to a patient with a sarcoma begins with a biopsy that obtains adequate tissue for diagnosis without interfering with subsequent optimal definitive surgery. Subsequent treatment depends on the specific type of sarcoma. Because sarcomas are relatively uncommon yet comprise a wide variety of different entities, evaluation by oncology teams who have expertise in the field is recommended. Treatment and follow-up guidelines have been published by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network

martes, noviembre 20, 2007

Papel del Trasplante en el Manejo del Cáncer Hepático

Role of transplantation in the management of hepatic malignancy.
British Journal of Surgery 2007 94(11):1319-30
S. R. Knight, P. J. Friend, P. J. Morris.

The acceptance of liver transplantation in the management of hepatic malignancy declined after early poor outcomes.

Despite recent developments, including stricter selection criteria and improved adjuvant therapies, the role of liver transplantation in the management of cancer remains controversial.

This review explores the evidence for the current role of liver transplantation in the management of hepatic malignancy in the context of recent advances in surgical resection and non-surgical treatments.A literature search was conducted using the Cochrane Library and Ovid MEDLINE and EMBASE, using terms for hepatic malignancy and interventions that included liver transplantation, percutaneous interventions, chemotherapy and surgical resection.

In patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma, improved selection has led to outcomes equivalent to those from surgical resection and comparable to those in patients transplanted for non-malignant indications.

Recent studies suggest that selection criteria may be refined further. Surgical resection or percutaneous therapies may reduce the risk of progression while waiting for a transplant. Recent improvements have occurred in neoadjuvant therapies for cholangiocarcinoma.

Nevertheless, a number of questions regarding the role of liver transplantation for hepatic malignancy remain.

lunes, noviembre 19, 2007

Manejo del Absceso (Flegmón) Apendicular: Metaanálisis

Nonsurgical Treatment of Appendiceal Abscess or Phlegmon: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Annals of Surgery. 246(5):741-748, November 2007.

Andersson, Roland; Petzold, Max G.

Objective: A systematic review of the nonsurgical treatment of patients with appendiceal abscess or phlegmon, with emphasis on the success rate, need for drainage of abscesses, risk of undetected serious disease, and need for interval appendectomy to prevent recurrence.

Summary Background Data: Patients with appendiceal abscess or phlegmon are traditionally managed by nonsurgical treatment and interval appendectomy. This practice is controversial with proponents of immediate surgery and others questioning the need for interval appendectomy.

Methods: A Medline search identified 61 studies published between January 1964 and December 2005 reporting on the results of nonsurgical treatment of appendiceal abscess or phlegmon. The results were pooled taking the potential clustering on the study-level into account. A meta-analysis of the morbidity after immediate surgery compared with that after nonsurgical treatment was performed.

Results: Appendiceal abscess or phlegmon is found in 3.8% (95% confidence interval (CI), 2.6-4.9) of patients with appendicitis. Nonsurgical treatment fails in 7.2% (CI: 4.0-10.5). The need for drainage of an abscess is 19.7% (CI: 11.0-28.3). Immediate surgery is associated with a higher morbidity compared with nonsurgical treatment (odds ratio, 3.3; CI: 1.9-5.6; P < 0.001). After successful nonsurgical treatment, a malignant disease is detected in 1.2% (CI: 0.6-1.7) and an important benign disease in 0.7% (CI: 0.2-11.9) during follow-up. The risk of recurrence is 7.4% (CI: 3.7-11.1).

Conclusions: The results of this review of mainly retrospective studies support the practice of nonsurgical treatment without interval appendectomy in patients with appendiceal abscess or phlegmon.

sábado, noviembre 17, 2007

Congreso Chileno/FELAC de Cirugía 2007

A continuación encuentran el programa completo del congreso que empieza mañana en Santiago.

domingo, noviembre 11, 2007

Grupo de Consenso: Definición de Vaciamiento Gástrico Enlentecido tras Cirugía Pancréatica

Delayed gastric emptying (DGE) after pancreatic surgery: A suggested definition by the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS)
Surgery Volume 142, Issue 5, November 2007, Pages 761-768
Moritz Wente, Claudio Bassi, Christos Dervenis, Abe Fingerhut, Dirk Gouma, Jakob Izbicki, John Neoptolemos, Robert Padbury, Michael Sarr, William Traverso, Charles Yeo and Markus Büchler.

Delayed gastric emptying (DGE) is one of the most common complications after pancreatic resection. In the literature, the reported incidence of DGE after pancreatic surgery varies considerably between different surgical centers, primarily because an internationally accepted consensus definition of DGE is not available. Several surgical centers use a different definition of DGE. Hence, a valid comparison of different study reports and operative techniques is not possible.

After a literature review on DGE after pancreatic resection, the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS) developed an objective and generally applicable definition with grades of DGE based primarily on severity and clinical impact.

DGE represents the inability to return to a standard diet by the end of the first postoperative week and includes prolonged nasogastric intubation of the patient. Three different grades (A, B, and C) were defined based on the impact on the clinical course and on postoperative management.

The proposed definition, which includes a clinical grading of DGE, should allow objective and accurate comparison of the results of future clinical trials and will facilitate the objective evaluation of novel interventions and surgical modalities in the field of pancreatic surgery.

sábado, noviembre 10, 2007

Inutilidad de Sonda Nasogastrica en Apendicitis Aguda Perforada en Niños

Does Routine Nasogastric Tube Placement After an Operation for Perforated Appendicitis Make a Difference?
Journal of Surgical Research 2007;143(1

Shawn Peter, Patricia Valusek, Danny Little, Charles Snyder, George Holcomb and Daniel Ostlie. Department of Pediatric Surgery, The Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri.

Divergent opinions exist regarding the routine use of nasogastric (NG) tubes in the postoperative management of patients undergoing abdominal surgery. Empiric use of an NG tube after abdominal surgery is presumed to prevent abdominal distension, vomiting, and ileus, which may complicate the postoperative course. To investigate the validity of this assumption, we compared the postoperative course of patients who underwent appendectomy for perforated appendicitis who subsequently either had or did not have an NG tube placed postoperatively.

A retrospective chart review of all children operated for perforated appendicitis between 1999 and 2004 was performed. Patients with prolonged hospitalizations were excluded to eliminate bias created by patients with multiple operations and opportunities for NG placement. The use of an NG tube, time to first and to full oral feeds, length of hospitalization, and complications were compared between groups.

Patients with NG tubes left in place (N = 105) were compared with those who did not receive an NG tube (N = 54) following appendectomy for perforated appendicitis. Mean time to first oral intake was 3.8 d in those with NG tubes compared with 2.2 d in those without NG tubes (P < 0.001). Similarly, mean time to full feeds was 4.9 d when an NG tube was left compared with 3.4 d in those without tubes (P < 0.001). Mean length of stay was 6.0 d in those with NG tubes compared to 5.6 d in those without (P = 0.002).

The use of NG decompression after an operation for perforated appendicitis does not appear to improve the postoperative course and we recommend that it is not routinely used in this patient population.

martes, noviembre 06, 2007

Manejo de Tromboflebitis

Artículo publicado en el número de este mes de Contemporary Surgery.
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domingo, noviembre 04, 2007

Riesgos en Reconstitución de Tránsito tras Operación de Hartmann

Reversal of Hartmann’s procedure: A high-risk operation?
Thomas Schmelzer, Gamal Mostafa, James Norton, William Newcomb, William Hope, Amy Lincourt, Kent Kercher, Timothy Kuwada, Keith Gersin and Todd Heniford. Department of Surgery, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC.

Patients who undergo Hartmann’s procedure often do not have their colostomy closed based on the perceived risk of the operation. This study evaluated the outcome of reversal of Hartmann’s procedure based on preoperative risk factors.

We retrospectively reviewed adult patients who underwent reversal of Hartmann’s procedure at our tertiary referral institution. Patient outcomes were compared based on identified risk factors (age >60 years, American Society of Anesthesiologists [ASA] score >2, and >2 preoperative comorbidities).

One-hundred thirteen patients were included. Forty-four patients (39%) had an ASA score of ≥3. The mean hospital duration of stay was 6.8 days. There were 28 (25%) postoperative complications and no mortality. Patients >60 years old had significantly longer LOS compared with the rest of the group (P = .02). There were no differences in outcomes between groups based on ASA score or the presence of multiple preoperative comorbidities. An albumin level of <3.5 was the only significant predictor of postoperative complications (P = .04).

The reversal of Hartmann’s operation appears to be a safe operation with acceptable morbidity rates and can be considered in patients, including those with significant operative risk factors.

jueves, noviembre 01, 2007

Autonomía del Paciente: Cuando es Díficil de Determinar (¿y aceptar?)

Articulo publicado en New Englnd Journal of Medicine sobre un tema que no toca enfrentar más frecuente de lo que quisieramos.

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domingo, octubre 28, 2007

Resultados a Largo Plazo en Reparación de Vía Biliar Tras Lesión en Colecistectomía Laparoscópica

Long-term outcome of biliary reconstruction for bile duct injuries from laparoscopic cholecystectomies
Matthew Walsh, Michael Henderson, David Vogt and Nancy Brown.Department of General Surgery, Cleveland Clinic.
Surgery 2007; 142(4):450-7.

Major bile duct injuries remain a potentially devastating complication after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A retrospective review was conducted of patients who underwent a biliary-enteric reconstruction of a biliary injury to assess their long-term outcome.

Retrospective review of bile duct injury database from January 1990 to December 2005.

A total of 144 patients were treated for bile duct injury, and 84 (58%) required a biliary-enteric reconstruction. Stratification by Bismuth-Strasberg injury level revealed E1 or E2 in 23, E3 in 33, E4 in 17, E5 in 1, and B+C in 10. Forty-four (52%) were operated within 7 days of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the remainder operated at a median of 79 days after referral. Early or late mortality occurred in 3 (4%). At a mean follow-up of 67 months, 9 patients (11%) developed a biliary stricture presented at a median of 13 months after bile duct repair. Level of injury was very important in predicting a postoperative biliary stricture: E4 (35%) versus E3 (9%; P = .023), and E4 versus E1, E2 B+C (0%; P = .001). More strictures occurred in patients operated within 7 days of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (19%) versus delayed repair (8%; P = .053). Overall, 90% of patients are alive and nonstented; 5 patients have chronic liver disease (1 on the waiting list for liver transplant). Nonbiliary complications occurred in 15 patients; the total morbidity was 40%.

Bile duct injuries that require a biliary-enteric repair are commonly associated with long-term complications. Level of injury and likely timing of repair predict risk of postoperative stricture.

sábado, octubre 27, 2007

Factores Preoperatorios Predictivos de Conversión en Colecistectomía Laparoscópica

Preoperative findings predict conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy
Jeremy Lipman, Jeffrey Claridge, Manjunath Haridas, Matthew Martin, David Yao, Kevin Grimes and Mark Malangoni.
Surgery 2007; 142(4):556-65.

Previous studies evaluating predictive factors for conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy have drawn conflicting conclusions. We evaluated objective preoperative variables to create an accurate, accessible risk score to predict conversion.

A retrospective review was performed of laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients at an urban tertiary care center. Seventy characteristics were subjected to bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis to identify parameters that independently predict conversion to open cholecystectomy. A model was created based on this analysis.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed on 1377 patients for benign gallbladder disease over a 71-month period. There were 112 (8.1%) conversions to open cholecystectomy. The correlation between the preoperative clinical diagnosis and pathologic diagnosis for acute and chronic cholecystitis was 48.6% and 94.6%, respectively. Multivariate analysis identified male gender, elevated white blood cell count, low serum albumin, ultrasound finding of pericholecystic fluid, diabetes mellitus, and elevated total bilirubin as independent predictors of conversion. These 6 factors were also associated with the pathologic diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. A model to calculate the risk for conversion was created with an area under the receiver operator curve of 0.83. The risk for conversion also can be estimated based on the number of factors identified present and ranged from 2% when 1 factor was present to 89% with 6 factors.

These results demonstrate that conversion to open cholecystectomy can be predicted based on parameters available preoperatively. Conversion is more likely in patients who have acute cholecystitis; however, the correlation between its clinical and pathologic diagnosis is poor. Improvements in the ability to determine the risk for conversion have important implications for surgical care.

martes, octubre 23, 2007

Cirugía de Displasia de Alto Grado en Esofago de Barrett

Tratamiento quirúrgico de la displasia de alto grado en el esófago de Barrett
Vicente Munítiza Luisa F Martínez de Haroa M Ángeles Ortiza David Ruiz de Anguloa Joaquín Molinab Juan Bermejoc Andrés Serranod Pascual Parrillae
Cir Esp 2007;82:214-8.

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Introducción. El esófago de Barrett tiene capacidad de malignización en el 0,5-1% de los pacientes por año por la secuencia displasia de bajo grado, displasia de alto grado y adenocarcinoma. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar nuestra experiencia en el tratamiento quirúrgico del esófago de Barrett que ha evolucionado a displasia de alto grado.

Pacientes y método. De un grupo de 128 pacientes diagnosticados de esófago de Barrett, 8 (6,2%) desarrollaron una displasia de alto grado tras una mediana de seguimiento de 7 (intervalo, 2-25) años. Además, otros 5 pacientes diagnosticados de displasia de alto grado fuera de este estudio fueron remitidos para valoración y tratamiento quirúrgico. En 8 casos los pacientes estaban en tratamiento médico con 40 mg diarios de omeprazol y a los otros 5 se los había intervenido mediante funduplicatura de Nissen por vía abierta, y se les diagnosticó la displasia de alto grado tras una mediana de 5 (1-16) años una vez instaurado el tratamiento. Tras la confirmación del diagnóstico por otro patólogo y estudio de estadificación, se realizó una esofagectomía transtorácica con anastomosis en el vértice del tórax en todos los casos.

Resultados. No hubo mortalidad postoperatoria. La morbilidad fue del 36% (5 pacientes). El estudio histológico definitivo de la pieza informó de displasia de alto grado en 7 (54%) pacientes y adenocarcinoma en 6 (46%). Todos los pacientes están vivos tras una mediana de seguimiento de 4,7 (1-14) años.

Conclusiones. Ante un paciente con esófago de Barrett y displasia de alto grado, la mejor opción terapéutica es la resección quirúrgica, que puede resultar con mortalidad cero en centros experimentados. En casi la mitad de los casos intervenidos hay un adenocarcinoma diagnosticado en la pieza de resección. La supervivencia a los 5 años es superior al 90%.

lunes, octubre 22, 2007

Hallazgos Endoscópicos en Estómagos "in-situ" Excluidos en Bypass Gástrico

Endoscopic Findings in the Excluded Stomach After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery
Rogerio Kuga; Adriana Safatle-Ribeiro; Joel Faintuch; Robson Ishida; Carlos Furuya Jr; Arthur Garrido Jr; Ivan Cecconello; Shinichi Ishioka; Paulo Sakai.
Arch Surg. 2007;142:942-946.

Hypothesis After gastric bypass surgery performed because of morbid obesity, the excluded stomach can rarely be endoscopically examined. With the advent of a new apparatus and technique, possible mucosal changes can be routinely accessed and monitored, thus preventing potential benign and malignant complications.

Design Prospective observational study in a homogeneous population with nonspecific symptoms.

Setting Outpatient clinic of a large public academic hospital.

Patients Forty consecutive patients (mean ± SD age, 44.5 ± 10.0 y ears; 85.0% women) were seen at a mean ± SD of 77.3 ± 19.4 months after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.

Intervention Elective double-balloon enteroscopy of the excluded stomach was performed.

Main Outcome Measures Rate of successful intubation, endoscopic findings, and complications.

Results The excluded stomach was reached in 35 of 40 patients (87.5%). Mean ± SD time to enter the organ was 24.9 ± 14.3 minutes (range, 5-75 minutes). Endoscopic findings were normal in 9 patients (25.7%), whereas in 26 (74.3%), various types of gastritis (erythematous, erosive, hemorrhagic erosive, and atrophic) were identified, primarily in the gastric body and antrum. No cancer was documented in the present series. Tolerance was good, and no complications were recorded during or after the intervention.

Conclusions The double-balloon method is useful and practical for access to the excluded stomach. Although cancer was not noted, most of the studied population had gastritis, including moderate and severe forms. Surveillance of the excluded stomach is recommended after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery performed because of morbid obesity.

domingo, octubre 21, 2007

Angioplastia Coronaria Primaria: Una Cuestión de Tiempo

Time to Treatment in Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Brahmajee Nallamothu, Elizabeth Bradley, and Harlan Krumholz.
N Engl J Med 2007;357(16):1631-8.

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Early administration of reperfusion therapy improves survival in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction by reestablishing coronary blood flow within the occluded infarct-related artery. Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is superior to fibrinolytic therapy when performed rapidly by expert teams, but its effectiveness may be limited by delays in delivery.

Recent national efforts are drawing attention to the importance of door-to-balloon time as a key indicator of quality of care for patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction who are treated with primary PCI. The American College of Cardiology (ACC), in collaboration with the American Heart Association (AHA), the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), and other partners, has implemented a national quality-improvement campaign to decrease door-to-balloon time in primary PCI. The convergence of clinical and policy interest in door-to-balloon time makes this an opportune occasion to review current knowledge on this topic.

sábado, octubre 20, 2007

Ganglio Centinela en Patología Digestiva

Utilización del ganglio centinela en patología digestiva
Carmen Balaguéa Sandra Velaa aServicio de Cirugía General y Digestiva. Hospital de la Santa Creu i de Sant Pau. Barcelona. España.
Cir Esp 2007;82:195-203.

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El concepto de ganglio centinela (GC) surge a partir de la consideración de que la diseminación linfática de las células tumorales se produce en un foco ganglionar inicial (GC) antes de afectar al resto de los territorios linfáticos.

Aunque este concepto ha sido validado en melanoma maligno y en cáncer de mama, su aplicación a otros tumores sólidos, incluidos los gastrointestinales, es todavía controvertida.

Con el objetivo de evitar la realización de una cirugía muy invasiva de forma uniforme, la detección del ganglio centinela puede desempeñar un importante papel para obtener información individualizada y, de esta forma, modificar el procedimiento quirúrgico u otras alternativas terapéuticas.

Recientemente, se ha realizado la determinación de los GC mediante abordaje laparoscópico, y puede convertirse en un componente importante del tratamiento mínimamente invasivo de tumores gastrointestinales en estadios iniciales.

El sentido del GC varía en función de la localización del tumor, así, en el caso del cáncer gástrico el objetivo principal es ampliar la indicación de cirugía mínimamente invasiva en casos con ganglios negativos, mientras en el cancer colorrectal forma parte de la búsqueda de métodos que ayuden a evitar una posible infraestadificación del paciente, con posible trascendencia en el tratamiento adyuvante requerido.

miércoles, octubre 17, 2007

Porque Utilizar Y de Roux en Cirugía Bariatrica

Why Roux-en-Y? A Review of Experimental Data
Brendan Collins; Tomoharu Miyashita; Michael Schweitzer; Thomas Magnuson; John Harmon.
Arch Surg. 2007;142:1000-3.

Objective To highlight the clinical and experimental rationales that support why the Roux-en-Y limb is an important surgical principle for bariatric gastric bypass.

Data Sources We reviewed PubMed citations for open Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP), laparoscopic RYGBP, loop gastric bypass, chronic alkaline reflux gastritis, and duodenoesophageal reflux.

Study Selection We reviewed clinical and experimental articles. Clinical articles included prospective, retrospective, and case series of patients undergoing RYGBP, laparoscopic RYGBP, or loop gastric bypass. Experimental articles that were reviewed included in vivo and in vitro models of chronic duodenoesophageal reflux and its effect on carcinogenesis.

Data Extraction and Synthesis No formal data extraction was performed. We reviewed published operative times, lengths of stay, and anastomotic leak rates for laparoscopic RYGBP and loop gastric bypass. For in vivo and in vitro experimental models of duodenoesophageal reflux, we reviewed the kinetics and potential molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis.

Conclusions Recent data suggest that laparoscopic loop gastric bypass, performed without the creation of a Roux-en-Y gastroenterostomy, is a faster surgical technique that confers similarly robust weight loss compared with RYGBP or laparoscopic RYGBP. In the absence of a Roux limb, the long-term effects of chronic alkaline reflux are unknown. Animal models and in vitro analyses of chronic alkaline reflux suggest a carcinogenic effect.